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How will we improve communication flow across the Network?


Loddon Plains Landcare Network is a big network - 18 groups and 300,000 ha of private land. Over the last couple of years, their focus has been communication in three directions - news, knowledge and skills moving easily between groups in the Network, out from each group to its community, and between the groups and the Network.


Three things are making a difference. The Network CoM holds around every second meeting out in one of the group areas, invites in adjacent groups to join the meeting and dedicates time for discussion of local issues, alongside its regular Network agenda.


LPLN has provided the same tablet and software package to each group, and trained them up in using the software. It's easier for information to flow between groups, and people can support each other as they build their skills in using the software.


Finally, the Network has a long-term goal to have a single point of contact for communication with the Network. Having one person who is the go-between simplifies getting communication out through the groups, and means the Network can provide  support to this person, so they handle their role well.


Listen below to LPLN's facilitator James Nelsson discussing the changes they have made. Read the detail in the two reports at right: "LPLN QWEA" for their initial Question Without an Easy Answer; 'LPLN QWEA Progress Report" for a report on progress 6 months later.



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